Adjectives comparatives and superlatives
Adjetivos en inglés: ¿qué son y para qué sirven?
Los adjetivos en inglés son elementos gramaticales que sirven para dar características propias a personas, animales o cosas. Su función es ofrecer información extra sobre el sustantivo de una oración. Por ejemplo, en the new guitar is lost (la guitarra nueva se perdió), el adjetivo es new, por lo que no se está hablando de cualquier guitarra, sino de la nueva.
Los adjetivos se usan tanto en la lengua inglesa que es imposible contar cuántos hay en total. Pero lo que sí se puede saber es cuántos tipos hay: seis y se agrupan de acuerdo a la forma en cómo afectan al sustantivo.
Tipos de adjetivos en inglés
Adjetivos calificativos o descriptivos (descriptive adjectives) (Los cuales serán el motivo de estudio en este parcial)
Adjetivos demostrativos (demonstrative adjectives)
Adjetivos cuantitativos (Quantitative adjectives)
Adjetivos interrogativos (Interrogative adjectives)
Adjetivos posesivos (Possessive adjectives)
Comparatives and superlatives are special types of adjectives used when comparing two or more things. The trickiest thing when using comparatives and superlatives is making sure we are writing them the correct way, but with a little practice, comparatives and superlatives can quickly be mastered.
In this post we’ll review what comparatives and superlatives are, the rules for how to form these adjectives the correct way, and how to use them effectively in a sentence.
What is a Comparative?
Comparative Adjectives are words used to describe a noun by comparing it to another noun. We usually think of ‘er’ words like bigger or smaller, but they can be a little trickier than that.
The way we form comparative adjectives is based on the number of syllables in the adjective and whether or not the adjective ends with the letter ‘y’.
What is a Superlative?
Superlative Adjectives are words used to describe a noun when comparing it to two or more nouns to the highest or lowest degree. Think: big, bigger, biggest, or small, smaller, smallest.
Like with comparative adjectives, it’s not always as simple as adding ‘est’. The number of syllables and whether or not the adjective ends with the letter ‘y’ also help us determine how to form a superlative adjective.
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